Valuation Of Property in Lucknow

Before selling or buying a property, knowing its market worth is essential. A person may claim that his property is worth buying or is doing great in the real estate, but without getting its real cost it is not wise to buy or invest in it. Although all the real estate properties are going to prove worthy in future, but it is more than essential to understand their cost along with other factors associated, before investing in it.

Apart from it, the developers who are planning to begin development work somewhere in the city also require proper details to work off the project. For all this and to resort all kinds of property related claims or settlements, we provide valuation of property services; whether you have land or building. A person may require valuers for loan from bank, valuers for assessing the actual cost of the property may it be residence, bungalow, flat , apartment, factory, school, college or any other building, Some may require services of valuers for visa purposes; we provide all types of valuation services. Our team of professionals is capable of doing on the site survey of the property for valuating it to make available precise values.

From the area to the cost and the safety factors related to any property, we are capable of helping you out. Our team uses all the latest property valuation technology to make sure that you are getting the precise details about the property and nothing less. Contact us for more information on the property valuation services to get the best quote.

Scope of work for Valuation of Properties (Land & Building)

  • Collecting details of requirement for valuation purposes.
  • Surveying of area or drawing submitted by client showing all dimensions
  • Preparation of Existing Architectural Drawings; if drawings not available for measurement purposes.
  • Preparation of Details of Specification for Valuation Purposes.
  • Preparation of Detailed Valuation Report as per the Fair Market Rates and also as per the DM Circle Rate.